Name: Amy

    Age: 38

    Town: Roscoe

    Marital Status: Single but together 18 years

    Kids: Katie 7, Taylor 10

    Occupation: Retail Management


    1. How is homeschooling/e-schooling going?

    It’s rough. My 7 year old who I’ve been told by several teachers is a dream to teach at home is a nightmare! Poor thing is shutting down.


    2. What are you doing to keep active during quarantine?

    We take the kids for a mile walk every day. Also kick them off electronics often to play.


    3. On a scale from 1-10, 1 being “I’m losing my mind” to 10 “I am killin’ it,” how are you handling this ‘new normal?’

    Maybe a 3. I’m concerned for the summer, and future. I’m such a busy person with kids activities that I feel like we are letting them down.


    4. What have you been binge-watching while in quarantine?

    I like the true crime shows on id discovery. I’m hooked!


    5. Have you watched Tiger King? What are your thoughts?

    Yes! Carole Baskin is guilty! Lol but Joe probably is too!


    6. On a scale from 1-10, 1 being “I’m just washing my hands” and 10 being “I’m washing and sanitizing every little thing that enters my house,” where do you land?

    Maybe a 5. When I’m at work I’m closer to an 8, but at home no one else is really in or out.


    7. Are you still working? Do you still go into work or work from home?

    I am still working full time. Away from home which makes home schooling very hard!


    8. What’s been the hardest part about sheltering in place?

    Keeping the kids home. They are bored. Haven’t been out of the house since March 14th. (Besides walks in neighborhood)


    9. Do your kids miss school?

    They miss school very much. They have been doing some Google hangouts and that helps!


    10. Were any important plans ruined by sheltering in place? If so, what?

    Yes! Dancing with the Stars live was canceled I was so stoked to go!


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