First Name: Terry

    Age: 47

    Town: Rockford

    Marital Status: Single

    Kids: 14 yr old son

    Occupation: Caretaker


    1. What was childbirth like for you?

    I was in labor for almost 2 days. I didn’t think it was too bad. Had my son natural.


    2. If someone walked into your house right now…what would they see?

    A mess, lol


    3. What’s something simple that you love getting to do alone when you get the chance?

    Something new I’m doing, a pedicure.


    4. What was the first thought you had when you found out you were pregnant?

    I didn’t want to be pregnant.


    5. What do you daydream about?

    Nothing. Don’t have time.


    6. What’s one thing you miss being able to do before you had children?

    Doing whatever I want, whenever I want.


    7. If you had an extra hour a day…what would you do?

    Probably sleep.


    8. Any regrets?

    Not one bit. I love my adventures with my son.


    9. What’s the most embarrassing thing your kid has said or done in public?

    He asked me if I would buy him a sperm whale


    10. How would you describe your parenting style? Helicopter? Granola? Competitive? Free Range? Other?

    A little of everything because my son has Autism.


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