Today is Cinco de Mayo . . . and it’s really the first party holiday since huge numbers of people got the vaccine.  So I’m thinking LOTS of people are going to want to live it up today . . . even if they don’t know WHY they’re living it up.

    A survey just asked people what Cinco de Mayo is actually about.  And only 10% of people knew the correct answer:  Celebrating a major Mexican battle win.  The victory was over the French at the Battle of Puebla on May 5th, 1862.

    39% of people thought Cinco de Mayo was Mexico’s Independence Day . . . 26% thought it was just a general celebration of Mexican-American culture, 13% admitted they had no idea, and 13% said it’s, quote, “an excuse to drink.”

    The survey also found almost three-quarters of Americans said they planned to do something to celebrate.

    59% will eat Mexican food, 32% will drink margaritas, 17% will drink Mexican beer, 14% will go to a party, and 8% will go to a bar.

    And finally, 8% of people say they’re going to use today to read up on Mexican history.

    How are you celebrating today?

    (National Today)

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