With all that’s going on right now, it’s easy to get in a rut professionally, personally, romantically…the list goes on. But you may not realize you could be in a self-care rut. It may sound selfish, but the self-care rut is the most important one to focus on because if you aren’t taking care of yourself, you can’t properly care for your loved ones.

    Ways to tell you’re in a self-care rut

    • You don’t get excited about your self-care routine, it feels like a chore.
    • You’re feeling creatively drained and lacking in new ideas.
    • The days all kind of blur together.
    • You feel bored even though you’re “busy.”
    • You’re playing the martyr and putting other’s needs ahead of your own, often to your detriment

    4 easy ways to get out of your self-care rut

    Start with a quick assessment of how well you’ve been taking care of you. Have you been eating well? Are you sleeping enough? Have you been spending enough time with people who care about and support you? Once you have a better view of which areas are lacking, you’ll be able to make a plan for taking care of yourself

    Switch up your daily routine. Start with small, doable changes. Try moving the pieces of your day around in simple ways: go for a walk in a different park, wake up an hour earlier or run errands on a different day of the week. The point is to stop turning our lives into a monotonous routine. 

    Give yourself things to look forward to and get excited about. Plan to give a room in your house a budget-friendly makeover. Organize a fun day with your best friends. Go on a scenic road trip with your partner.

    Use visualization. Imagine yourself feeling how you want and attaining the goals you set for yourself. Doing this makes it easier to overcome the hurdles that block your way. This is how you begin to tell yourself a different story about who you are and actually believe it.

    Click below to learn more from The Glitter Guide. In the meantime, take care of YOU.


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