Name: Madalyn

    Age: 22

    Town: Recently moved to Stillman Valley, but previously from Rockford

    Marital Status: Married

    Kids: 14 month old son Adam

    Occupation: Full time Nanny; Full time online student at Rasmussen College; Part time CNA


    1. Do you have a sarcastic “Mom of the Year’ moment you’d like to share?

    I would say my sarcastic “Mom of the year” moment would be driving all around town just so my kids would sleep. I still do this sometimes!


    2. What was childbirth like for you?

    Child birth isn’t easy by any means. I was induced due to sudden hypertension at MercyHealth Hospital when I was 39 weeks. Luckily, with a great Labor & Delivery Team, my childbirth went rather smoothly except the hour and a half waiting for my epidural. Yes, I did choose the epidural route. It doesn’t make me any less of a mom, in my opinion, as some would say or think. I think we should all choose what makes us comfortable in birthing a child and with me, that was controlling the pain. I was in labor for 28 hours, can you blame me? The recovery was probably worse than the actual birth due to a second degree tear during labor.


    3. If someone walked into your house right now…what would they see?

    HA! It looks like a one year old took over our house with his toys!


    4. What was the first thought you had when you found out you were pregnant?

    I was scared, I found out I was pregnant when I was 20 years old. My boyfriend, now husband, and I were not married at the time and I came from a family where you get married before having children. I was so scared as to what they would think or say about me after the news came out especially my mom. My mom was in utter shock but was very supportive from the start and my family also seemed excited.


    5. What do you daydream about?

    I am a very busy mom. I work full time as a Nanny, I’m a full time online student at Rasmussen College, and I also pick up a couple shifts a month as a CNA at a local nursing home in Rochelle. So, I daydream about SLEEPING!


    6. What’s one thing you miss being able to do before you had children?

    Like I said before, I become pregnant at a fairly young age so I really didn’t have much time to grow up. I wish I could’ve spent more time with friends because when you’re pregnant, you really find out who your friends are. I had a decent amount of friends pre-pregnancy and now I probably have about a handful. They were all into partying and I obviously had to cut that part of my life out. They were in college so I couldn’t blame them. I do try to find days to spend with friends that matter most without my son. I think this is really important for moms, because we always need breaks every now and again!


    7. If you had an extra hour a day…what would you do?

    Add it to the sleeping schedule or binge watch another episode on Netlfix!


    8.Wine, cocktail, or Beer?

    Wine. Definitely, wine.


    9. What’s the most embarrassing thing your kid has said or done in public?

    My son is very vocal in public places. There was a time we went to Buffalo Wild Wings and he was hollering and banging his bottle on the table. Yes, everyone was watching.


    10. Do you have a good support system?

    Yes, I have an AMAZING support system. My parents and husband are super supportive whether it was from the start of my pregnancy or even to now. My parents love taking him for the weekend sometimes whether it’s just to spend time with him or to help me, so I can finish a paper for school. I can’t say anything more positive about my husband. He loves his son and loves spending every minute with him!


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