Here are today’s Nerd News! headlines:

    Send A Newer Computer Right Over: You might think the Mars Rover has some super up-to-the-date technology on board, but apparently it’s quite the opposite. NASA wanted to use tech that has been tried and proven, and so they put in a PowerPC 750 CPU processor, which is the same that ran in the iMac G3 systems back in 1998. NASA says that will ensure they’ll know how to fix it if something goes wrong, because today’s tech world just moves too dang fast. Too fast for NASA, imagine that.

    But Will It Find Happiness?: The Find My app on Apple devices that helps you find your phone, or your iPad or your Apple Watch if you lose them will soon be able to help you find non-Apple products with the next iOS update.  Some gadgets on the list include Beats Headphones and Belkin’s new earbuds. Plus every day items like luggage, backpacks and more could be found using the app as well. No word on when that new iOS rolls out.

    My Love For You Is Like A Truck:  Did you know Keanu Reeves was working on a comic book? It’ scalled BRZRKR (pronoucned Berserker) and it launched this week. The title character looks just like Keanu Reeves, and a new interview confirms that should the story hit the big screen, Reeves is ready to take on the role.  BRZRKR saw the biggest launch for an original comic book in decades, receiving more that 600 thousand orders.

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