Here are today’s Nerd News! headlines:

    It’s Time To Binge the Whole Thing: The Muppet Show is coming to Disney+.  Look for all seasons of the series, which premiered in 1976, on Disney’s streaming platform starting on February 19th. Many celebrities appeared in the show during its original 5 year run, including Steve Martin, Elton John, Liza Minnelli, Alice Cooper, Julie Andrews, Bernadette Peters, Diana Ross, Gladys Knight, Gene Kelly, Sylvester Stallone and Mark Hamill. 

    Speaking of Streaming: Adding to the ever increasing networks/companies that have launched their own streaming services, Paramount introduces Paramount+. No points for name-originality there, but we will be able to see several Viacom TV shows, along with programming from BET, Comedy Central, MTV and more. Original programming will include a new version of MTV’s Behind the Music. Look for Paramount+ in early March. 

    Batman Reboots?: Famed film director and comic book enthusiast Kevin Smith claims that a source told him a reboot is in the works for Batman: The Animated Series. The 1992 cartoon, which lasted for three seasons, remains the bellwether for animated comic book adaptations thanks to strong writing and classic voice characterizations by Kevin Conroy (Batman) and Mark Hamill (Joker). While we’re unsure of the timeline for this reboot project, you can catch up on the original series on HBO Max. 


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