Here are today’s Nerd News! headlines:


    Arnold in Recovery:   Terminator and former Governator Arnold Schwarzenegger underwent another heart surgery over the weekend at the Cleveland Clinic, during which he had an aortic heart valve put in. He tweeted his gratitude to his doctors and nurses. And thanks to them we can all be grateful that… (don’t say it, don’t say it, don’t say it) he’ll be back. Couldn’t resist, sorry.

    Atari Inn?: We didn’t even know Atari was still company, much less a company that can afford to build hotels, but it looks like several video gamed themed hotels are coming. The first one will open in Vegas in 2022, followed by hotels in Austin, Chicago, Denver, San Francisco, San Jose & Seattle. Hopefully there’s not a hotel based on Atari’s E.T. game… because nobody wants that. More here.

    Gold Bond: Apparently, the makers of the next James Bond film wanted 600 million dollars from streaming services who wanted to feature the film in lieu of a theatrical release.  Seems like a lot of money to watch a guy do the same thing he’s done in 60 other movies, but they lost a lot of money pushing the film back so many times. “No Time To Die” which was supposed to come out in November, and is still slated for April. Read this.