
    With cooler temps and great seasonal colors, Autumn is the perfect time to hit the bike trails. If you prefer to bike with family or a friends, there are a number of organized rides available to you in October.

    PRIDE BIKE RIDE | Sunday, October 4 @ 11:30am.
    This ride starts and ends at The Office Niteclub, 513 East State Street, Rockford. Your invited to dress and decorate your ride to show your pride. This downtown tour will be led by Safety Dave of I Bike Rockford. No charge.

    MEL ANDERSON SLOW ROLL | Sunday, October 4 @ 3pm
    You are invited to this free, family-friendly ride on the Mel Anderson Bike Path. The ride begins at Northwest Community Center, 1325 North Johnston Avenue, Rockford. There will be food and prizes. Organized by I Bike Rockford.

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