Hi Friends!

I’m Lori, originally from the South Side of Chicago, and now here in Rockford. I’m a wife, mom of an adorable toddler Harlow, and a broadcaster! I’ve been doing this radio thang in Rockford for close to 10 years and have loved every moment of it.

I love this city and am constantly bragging about the amazing things it brings to it’s residents to my friends and family in Chicago. There is no better community than one that grows together daily.

I’m super passionate about local music, never paying full price for anything, mastering Pinterest projects and pizza. Well, tacos too… taco pizza, even better. I’m not so passionate about growing any houseplant. I’ve killed every darn one I’ve ever had. Even Aloe and a Cactus… which many will say ‘are impossible to kill.’ Ha! They never met me!

I look forward to navigating motherhood with you, make you laugh, sharing fun and random facts and most of all celebrating our amazing city together!

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