Mayor Tom McNamara joins Steve Summers on This Week in the Stateline to talk about the city's plan to spend surplus funding and what City Council will ask its lobbyist to advocate for in Springfield.


    Rockford Mayor Tom McNamara joins Steve Summers on This Week in the Stateline to talk about cargo growth at the Chicago-Rockford International Airport, the upcoming City Council decision on the future of Barber-Colman, attending Juneteenth celebrations and the South Main Mercado, the demolition of the former Church School and progress on the construction of the future Hard Rock Casino Rockford.


    This week, Rockford Mayor Tom McNamara discusses the Covid-19 vaccine rollout, Covid-19 percentage rates, why he’s worried about New Year's Eve parties, and about the 9th Street Construction Project that finished ahead of schedule and below budget.

    Runtime: 9 minutes


    Rockford Mayor Tom McNamara sits down with Steve Summers on This Week in the Stateline to discuss all the biggest developments in the city over 2021.

    Related episode: McNamara talks arts on This Week in the Stateline
