Name: Mary

    Age: 30

    Town: Rockford

    Marital Status: Married

    Kids: 2 Boys, 5 & 2. 1 Girl, 4

    Occupation: Stay at home Mom with a side business of sign making


    1. Did you always plan to be a mom one day?

    I have wanted to be a mom for as long as I can remember. When asked in High School what I wanted to be when I was older, I would answer, “a mom.”


    2. What’s something you’ve realized since becoming a mom that you should never leave the house without?

    Snacks, snacks, and more snacks. The kids are always hungry…and so am I, so it’s a win win. Good thing I still like eating Goldfish and Cheezits!


    3. If you could have one night out with a free babysitter, what would you do?

    I would love to go golfing with my husband, and then go and enjoy a nice dinner and have a few beers down by the river.


    4. Are you strict about the food your kids eat?

    I try to make sure my kids eat fruits and veggies every day. I try to make healthy dinners and they have to eat at least some of it. But then again, there are other nights that we have ice cream for dinner. It’s all about balance!


    5. Is there something you used to secretly judge moms about until you had your own?

    I used to judge when kids would have tantrums in a store or a restaurant. Now I totally get why tantrums happen and that sometimes it is better to just let it happen rather than doing anything and everything to make it stop.


    6. Have you ever felt judged by other moms?

    Absolutely. Any time I would breastfeed in public especially. But I guess that would be judgement from a lot of people, not just other moms.


    7. If you could hire help for something…what would it be?

    Putting away dishes and laundry. I have no problem doing the laundry or dishes, but I will let them sit clean for days before putting them away.


    8. What’s the weirdest item in your purse?

    I actually don’t carry a purse. Once the kids were out of the stage where they needed things from the diaper bag all the time, I try to carry as little as possible. Those diaper bags are huge and heavy, so I need a break from those types of things.


    9. Describe the inside of your car right now?

    Oh goodness! Like I said in an earlier question, we always have snacks. So where do you think half of the snacks end up? Crushed up on the floor or hidden behind car seats. There are a lot of toys in the car as well. We also have a mini potty in the trunk for emergencies. It has come in handy many times!


    10. What do you like to do with free time?

    I enjoy running and working on my sign business. I am currently training for my second marathon! I also have a small business making signs. So if I am not running on the treadmill during nap time, you can find me in our garage sawing, sanding, staining, painting, nailing, etc! I build the signs myself and then do all of my own calligraphy/handlettering on them. I also create chalkboard signs for birthday parties, baby showers, bridal showers, weddings, graduation parties, and for local businesses.


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