Name: Mikala

    Age: 28

    Town: Rockford

    Marital Status: Married

    Kids: 3 sons who are 8, 5, and 2

    Occupation: Mom and president of a small non profit


    1. What was childbirth like for you?

    Which child? My 8 year old was really hard. Induced, epidural, and then forceps. Which all led to a 4th degree tear. My 5 year old was easy until I went to the hospital. Nurse broke water for no reason and then I was in pain. Had an epidural but it didn’t fully take. The doctors didn’t listen to my concerns. My 2 year old was an unassisted home birth. It was easy with minimal pain and much more peaceful.


    2. If someone walked into your house right now…what would they see?

    Books and a guinea pig and kids paint art on the wall.


    3. What’s something simple that you love getting to do alone when you get the chance?

    Eating or drinking tea lol. It’s almost impossible with 3 kids.


    4. What was the first thought you had when you found out you were pregnant?

    I was excited for each child. Every child is a blessing.


    5. What do you daydream about?

    Going to the bathroom alone. What my kids will be when they get older.


    6. What’s one thing you miss being able to do before you had children?

    Playing softball and staying awake all night laughing with friends.


    7. If you had an extra hour a day…what would you do?

    Enjoy more time outside.


    8. Fill in the blank: “I need more ____ right now.”

    Laughter with friends.


    9. What’s the most embarrassing thing your kid has said or done in public?

    Pulled down their pants to pee.


    10. How would you describe your parenting style? Helicopter? Granola? Competitive? Free Range? Other?

    Granola free range.


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