First Name: Lori

    Age: 36

    Town: Glen Ellyn

    Marital Status: Married

    Kids: 3 year old daughter Harlow

    Occupation: Radio DJ


    1. What’s the most embarrassing thing your kid has said or done in public?

    In a public bathroom, we could hear someone in another stall having quite the stinky intestinal problems, if you are smellin’ what I’m steppin’ in. Harlow looked at me with such a puzzled face and screamed, “Mommy, she poopin’!” Sure, it’s not the most embarrassing thing ever, but it made the other person so uncomfortable. How do I know? she said so.


    2. How would you describe your parenting style? Helicopter? Granola? Competitive? Free Range? Other?

    I’d say I’m an ‘other.’ I let her lead in my parenting style, A LOT. I watch for cues on what makes her sad, angry, happy, etc. I always allow her to feel and express her emotions and let her know they are valid. Even when I can’t handle that 25 minute temper tantrum myself, I let her know that it’s ok to feel.


    3. Was it difficult trying to get pregnant?

    Yes. Two weeks before I found out I was pregnant, my doctor told me I was most likely infertile. Then, when I went for my 8 week appointment, they couldn’t find a baby! My results were ‘inconclusive.’ 3 Days later, after many prayers, they found her.


    4. Do you have a picky eater? How do you deal with it?

    YES. Harlow has been extremely picky since she was born. But, she will try anything you give her thanks to Costco. For some reason, little samples of food has changed her life. On our most recent trip, she very matter-of-factly told me that she was ‘so nervous’ to go to Costco because she was afraid she wouldn’t like the ‘little foods.’


    5. Do you daydream about being a stay at home mom?

    Last text I sent my husband, “I just wanna be a mom in my own house and run the PTA so hard that I make the PTA Hall of Fame.” The opportunity to stay home with Harlow everyday would be my dream.


    6. What are you currently obsessed with?

    Everything Pumpkin Spice, The Dollar Spot at Target and LetterKenny on hulu.


    7. Anything you are looking forward to at the moment?

    Hopefully buying our own house someday soon, Christmas shopping (I LOVE BUYING PRESENTS, and wrapping them!), and the holidays in general.


    8. Describe an average day in your life…

    Wake up at 4 a.m., have extreme mom guilt for having to leave when my daughter is sleeping. Finally realize I should get my act in gear, brush my hair, wash my face, brush my teeth and bolt out the door. Spend an hour and a half in the car on my way to work, crush an 8 hour work day and head home on the long drive. Best part of my day, when I walk in the door and my daughter screams “HI MOMMY!” and gives me a big hug. The rest of the day is filled with dinner, drawing, reading books, watching YouTube videos, or anything I can to spend time with my daughter.


    9. What was childbirth like for you?

    Insane. I had my daughter 6 weeks early because I was diagnosed with Pre-Eclampsia and HELLP Syndrome. To have Pre-E is rare, to have HELLP Syndrome is even more rare. Of course, I had both! I remained calm and went in with a ‘do whatever they tell you to do to the best of your ability’ attitude and it worked. Sure, I pushed for 3 and a half hours, the cord was wrapped around my daughter’s neck, I had to have countless stitches and I didn’t realize I needed to push a button for my epidural to administer, but hey… we both survived and that’s all that matters.


    10. If you had an extra hour a day…what would you do?

    Spend an hour on self care. I’d read a book, wear a face mask, go to the gym, paint my nails, anything that is just for ME. So often you are so busy taking care of your littles, you forget to take care of yourself. Next thing you know, you’re 36, your daughter is 3 and you’re still wearing maternity underwear and buy the 6 pack of undies from Aldi because it’s better than what you are wearing right now. 


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